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bunny care and advice

Rabbits require good housing,daily excercise,plenty of toys & tunnels,nails checked regular,teeth checked regular(there teeth grow at a rate of 3mm a week) a balanced diet along with fresh water daily to mantain a healthy long life they are unique pets and very intelligent.... Also lionhead breeds will require daily grooming to keep there coat matt free.... just like humans bunnies enjoy a good meal a nice mixture of hay, veggies, grass and pellets as well as fresh water daily.

 My bunnies here at Essex Bunnies are currently on Allen & Page pellets unlimited hay fresh veggies once a week a few barley rings a day and fresh water.They also have entracare aqua added to there water once a week.

Entracare aqua is a liquid that is added to there water for easy digestion and condition and is all naturally  based for them mine all seem to thrive on it since i started using this produc in march 2014 .If you are ever worried about  your bunny please contact your vet or a veterinary nurse immediately . 

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